Internal Auditors Promote a Cultural Change in Operation
Download the articleDuring the 2023 season, we introduced the Industry Internal Auditors Program in order to continue promoting continuous improvement in the operation sectors of the industrial plants.
The premise of Grupo Lucci’s integrated policy is the commitment to the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System (SGI) of Quality & Food Safety, Hygiene & Safety, and Environment. This Program enables us to identify opportunities for improvement, assess the performance of the management systems, and rationalize efforts, resources and costs. This enables us to streamline processes and ensure quality and safety in each production stage, maintaining the certification standards with the active participation of all the operational staff.

Role of the Internal Auditor
Every month the internal auditors carry out an analysis and assessment of the processes, identifying risks and looking into the different ways of increasing efficiency in operations. All this is carried out based on the Integrated Management System.
In order to do so, the auditors must verify compliance with the criteria established by the company’s standards, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and the following standards:
- ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety).
- ISO 9001 (Quality).
- ISO 14001 (Environment).
- BRC (Food Safety).

During this season, the auditors observed and made valuable improvements in order to streamline processes, such as the incorporation of automation systems in some workplaces to make controls easier, the addition of waste bins and places for handwashing in different areas, the incorporation of warning signs for potential hazards as well as product safety, among others.
“At Grupo Lucci, we work preventively in terms of Safety in order to prevent accidents. The internal audits provide a system of early warning which helps us detect potential threatens to health and safety in advance”, explained Diego Moyano, Head of the Occupational Hygiene and Safety Department.
The Voice of the Protagonists
“I am part of the Internal Auditors Team and every month we conduct audits. We use a checklist that includes the main aspects of the Integrated Management System, and, as a benchmark of the sector, we identify opportunities for improvement to put them into practice”, Miguel Alejandro Lescano, Juice Concentration Sector.
“We conducted 6 audits this year, where we identified various deviations. Some of them were solved while others were notified to supervisors so that they can be solved soon. This way we contribute to continuous improvement”, Maximiliano Albarracín, Juice Centrifuge Operator.
Integrated Management System
An Integrated Management System is a tool whereby an organization defines the way to perform its production activities every day. It consists in a set of methodologies that provides a comprehensive criterion to all collaborators on how to manage resources, processes, activities and responsibilities associated to the production activities. In our case, it is also oriented to the development of a business model, based on competitiveness, sustainability and innovation. Specifically, at Citrusvil, the Internal Auditors Program, compliance with the standards of quality and safety, and the Lean Management philosophy materialized through Citrusvil’s Model of Operational Excellence (MEOC) guide the work in the plants in order to achieve excellence.
“We aim at consolidating this path towards cultural transformation in the operation. By means of these audits, the collaborators have the opportunity to suggest improvements in these areas at their workplaces, thus promoting the continuous improvement of the SGI and transforming prevention into a way of working”, explained Noelia Lescano, Head of Quality Assurance and Environment.

Diego Moyano
Head of the Occupational Hygiene and Safety Department

Noelia Lescano
Head of Quality Assurance
and Environment